Maine Career Development Association |
NEC (New England Consortium-NCDA State CDAs) Virtual Conference
Balancing Career Development in 2025: Strategies to Thrive
Presenter Bios and Session Descriptions
Presentation 1 - Presentation 2 - Round Tables 1 - Round Tables 2
Keynote Talk (9:05-9:30)
Dr. Skip Niles - Professor & Immediate Past-Dean School of Education, College of William & Mary. Global Conference Presenter, Researcher, Consultant & Author.
Applying Hope-Action to Jungian Perspective of Change: Helping Clients Thrive
Prior to William & Mary, Skip was a Distinguished Professor & Department Head for Educational Psychology, Counseling & Special Education at Penn State University. His education includes a master’s degree in Counselor Education- Lehigh University & his doctorate in Education-Penn State. Skip is the only individual in the 112-year NCDA history to serve two terms as President. He is an NCDA Fellow, recipient of NCDA Eminent Career-Award & Past-two-term Editor of The Career Development Quarterly. Also, President Elect Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (ACES) & Past-Editor of ACES Journal & recipient of ACES Legacy Award. Recipient of American Counseling Association (ACA ) Extended Research Award, ACA President’ s Award, Past-Editor Journal of Counseling & Development, David Brooks Distinguished Mentor Award, the Hohenshil Publication Award, ACA Thomas Sweeney Visionary Leadership & Advocacy Award & University of British Columbia’s Noted Scholar Award.
Skip has directed a career counseling center for adults, worked as a career counselor for middle & high school students, higher education & maintained a private practice focusing on career counseling. He has authored 150 publications & delivered more than 170 presentations on career development theory & practice nationally/globally in over 30 countries & was a Fulbright Scholar at the Finish Institute for Educational Research. Book Authority lists four of his books among the top 100 best-selling career development books of all time.
David Lee, M.Ed. - Global Conference Presenter & Consultant, Maine CDA
Bring It On!: How to Face Change, Challenge, and Uncertainty with Courage, Confidence, and Optimism
David brings extensive knowledge & experience with stress, trauma, & resilience based on over 30 years including national/global conferences throughout North America & Australia. His presentation Becoming Resilient has been aired on public radio & his work draws from his previous efforts in the mind/body medicine field, peak performance technologies, ancient wisdom traditions & the school of hard knocks. David weaves his extensive knowledge with abundant practical wisdom generously sprinkled with personal reflections, stories & his own wholesome humor. He brings a rare blend of practical knowledge & genuine humanity to his presentations.
Participants will understand the power of the mind/body connection and how to use it to help clients, including job searchers to keep their spirits and energy level high, despite the arduousness of the job search, move into a more empowered state. Participants will learn how to explain to clients the concept of Power Ups, how to use them to shift clients’ mood & energy levels on demand to strengthen their resilience & become more skilled at helping clients recognize counterproductive stories they are telling themselves & identify more productive useful ones.
Julie Palazani - Atomic Facilitator, Conference Presenter & Consultant, Rhode Island CDA Colleen Wheeler - Atomic Facilitator, Conference Presenter & Consultant: Co-founders of idea4action
From Idea to Action: A More Centered Self
These two entrepreneurs developed idea4action to help groups & individuals create a space for focused reflection & learning by applying practical tools & techniques that lead to better outcomes & happier people. Whether your team is virtual, hybrid, or in-person, you can learn how to create conversations that build momentum & trust, build capacity for collaboration, generate options & choose effective solutions.
Our lives & workplaces are going through dramatic changes, & the swirl can be overwhelming & exhausting. This session will help you pause, reflect & explore a simple practice that can help to support your well-being & growth. By consciously incorporating this lightweight tool throughout your day, you will move forward from a place of clarity & strength.
This interactive workshop incorporates a series of guided reflections & conversations designed to ground participants in exploring what is important to them, what is working well & how they might better align their actions to what is most important. Participants will connect with others to create an on-going network, & virtually reflect to identify values that support work/life & create next steps/action using written notes, including a follow-up activity to be completed at your convenience.
Round Table Session 1 (11:15-12:00)
1. Dr. Jonique Childs - Assistant Professor College of Education Student Development Program, UMass Amherst, Conference Presenter, Researcher & Author. Massachusetts CDA
Building First-Generation Students of Color(FGSC) Resilient Career Practices Using the Bridge to Thriving Framework© (BtTF©)
Ph.D. Counselor Education & Supervision University of Iowa with graduate minor in Multicultural Education & Cultural Competency; Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) & Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC). Dual MSEd degrees in school & clinical mental health counseling with an emphasis in career development
Jonique brings a rich variety of deep experiences, research, numerous publication & presentations, including at-risk youth, clinical mental health counselor national suicide prevention hotline, & various individuals/groups from diverse ethnic backgrounds including adolescent, high school students, undergraduates, graduate students, & older adults.
Her research investigates the psychosocial needs of First-Generation Students of Color in K-12 and post-secondary education, career development & decision-making, multicultural education, cultural competency, social justice advocacy practices, leadership characteristics, & mental health awareness.
This presentation will explore the Bridge to Thriving Framework BtTF© with special application to first-generation students of color & how the framework can promote career exploration in higher education. Through dialogue & demonstration participants will learn & explore the framework, including how culturally responsive healing and self-care practices may support career development & decision-making, while buffering the negative effects of stressors and barriers. Internal & external barriers can affect the college access & persistence of this unique group of students. Through demonstration, The Bridge to Thriving© framework outlines practices to promote resiliency and thriving.
2. Erica Mattison, CEO of Erica Mattison Coaching & Consulting. Conference Presenter, Consultant & Author, National Career Development Association Certified Career Coach, Master Certified Life Coach, & SkillScan Certified Coach. Massachusetts CDA
Strategies to Thrive, Encourage Career Clarity & Increase Motivation
Erica helps clients build rewarding careers through strengths-based narrative assessment. She brings an interesting & valuable variety of educational preparation, extensive work experiences & advocacy, to serve individuals & groups as a coach, facilitator, speaker & author of Clarifying What Matters: Creating Direction For Your Career. Erica earned degrees in psychology (BA), public administration (MPA), & law (JD) background, & was formerly an MBA Career Coach at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. Erica offers individual & group consulting & workshops, & private coaching & courses, including "Clarify My Direction" & "My Best Fit.”
Career practitioners need effective interventions to guide clients through challenges & navigate their career transitions when seeking greater work satisfaction. This interactive session combines proven insights with practical strategies & actionable guidance to support both client success & your professional growth.
Participants will learn techniques to help clients identify & articulate their unique strengths & values, overcome common mindset barriers, & boost motivation by reconnecting with purpose. These strategies apply across various work settings, including government, corporate, nonprofit & private practice.
3. Pam Kristan - Owner Pam Kristan Consulting, Conference Presenter, Consultant & Author, Massachusetts CDA
Where Has All the Time Gone?
Pam, an expert veteran seminar leader for decades, helps hundreds of nonprofit organizations & thousands of individuals find ease & effectiveness in what they do using practical, creative, effective & sustainable time management strategies via workshops, retreats & individual consultations.
Her clients have included Hyde Square Task Force, Mass Councils on Aging, & the Literacy Project. She moderated panels for National Take Back Your Time Day, speak-outs & is author of Awakening In Time. Her work has been featured in national broadcast and print media, numerous articles, magazines, on-line resources & The Boston Globe.
Considering unending needs, limited time In the face of pressing challenges to humanity & our world, it’s all too easy to forge forth without grounding in the fundamental skills that support good work. We risk scattering energy, burning out, & being less effective than we could be. Pam Kristan draws on her long background of expertise in time management, personal organization, & interpersonal communication to respond to the issues each person brings to the table. Topics can include: too much to do/not enough time/priorities; distractions/interruptions; spending too much time on a task and/or procrastination; being overwhelmed; unrealistic expectations; multitasking; delegation; communication issues.
4. Dr. Skip Niles - Hope-filled Strategies for Navigating Change
All individuals experience transitions in work, relationships & all life roles, including career practitioners. Skip will expand his Keynote on Hope-Action Theory that focuses on specific competencies individuals can develop & incorporate into all aspects of one’s life, especially including career exploration, planning & decision-making. Participants will increase their understanding of Hope-Action Theory, & explore & discuss practical strategies that will generate & sustain hope for their own career development & the students/clients they serve.
Round Table Session 2 (12:05-12:50)
1. Erica Mattison - Strategies to Thrive, Encourage Career Clarity & Increase Motivation (description above)
2. Pam Kristan - Where Has All the Time Gone? (description above)
3. Dr. Skip Niles - Hope-filled Strategies for Navigating Change (description above)
4. David Lee, M.Ed. - Global Conference Presenter & Consultant, Maine CDA: Further Discussion: Bring It On!: How to Face Change, Challenge and Uncertainty with Courage, Confidence and Optimism
David continues his discussion based on his earlier 40 minute presentation. (description above)