Maine Career Development Association |
Career Cafés
MCDA created the Career Café to encourage members to network more often throughout the year in a more informal setting than the annual conference and fall workshop and to provide opportunities to share ideas and knowledge. Career Café coordinators from around the state collaboratively plan, promote, and facilitate the sessions. Since 2020, all cafés have been held virtually via Zoom and are purposely done so to create an accessible professional development opportunity. These are FREE events and open to all! However, we encourage you to become a member of MCDA for the low annual price of $40 to support this and other programs that promote professional development for career practitioners. Career Cafés Highlights:
Career Café Coordinators: |
PREVIOUS CAFÉS: Since March, 2020 MCDA has hosted monthly Career Cafes, all virtually. Topics are selected by participants, ranging from, "how to help clients navigate in a virtual world" to "doing career coaching online" to "what books are you reading these days". The informal format no only has allowed for great information sharing. Just as important, perhaps more, has been the opportunity to share with colleagues what is going on in our worlds. Networking during COVID has been more important than ever. The MCDA Career Cafes have provided one more way for us to do that. |