April 2024 Café Breakout Room Topics (you will be able to select your room during the café):
- TOPIC 1: Article about Challenging Social Inequities through Career Guidance, as presented by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, found here: https://doi.org/10.1787/619667e2-en
- TOPIC 2: Career Assessments: Helpful/favorite career assessments, when and how to use them, when not to use them, and how to utilize the information in them.
- TOPIC 3: Brain-Based Career Development
This is a FREE event and open to all! However, we encourage you to become a member of MCDA to support this and other programs that promote professional development for career practitioners.
A Zoom link will be provided upon registration and sent directly to your email. Please use that link to join the career café!
If you are interested in supporting our Career Cafés as a Career Café Coordinator, please contact Amy Jaffe at [email protected] or Ashley Bigda at [email protected].